Singer-songwriter Jan Seides may well be based in Austin, but she’s a hardly a typical Texas troubadour. Though she tells it like it is, with an honest-to-goodness style that’s incredibly effective, she does so with a level of polished sophistication, which has led previous reviewers to describe her sound as Patty Griffin meets Broadway. Intrigued? I certainly was, and she doesn’t disappoint...” - Tony S.

Leicester Bangs Blog, UK

Jan Seides (sigh-deez) has been a singer/songwriter as long as she can remember. She’s been playing piano since she was 3 years old, guitar since she was a teenager, and she can’t ever recall not singing. Jan writes and performs original, lyrics-driven, award-winning songs that combine uptown sophistication with down-home truth. They have been presented with style and spirit in prestigious venues in the U.S., the Middle East and Europe. 

Press Photos

Sample Track

Any Sunday Songwriters LiveStream show

Sample Video (solo)
