  1. Moms
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Moms are the ones who wake in the night
And turn on the light till the goblins are gone
Glasses of water they bring to your bedside
And tell you a story, or sing you a song
Moms have eyes in the back of their heads
They also have hearts of gold.
That all comes with the job, and I've heard it said.
That moms never grow old.

Moms are the ones who talk to the teacher
And help with the homework so you'll make it through
Moms listen to you when nobody else will
They listen to God a lot too.
Moms make you eat all your carrots and greens
They make you wear sweaters when they are cold
Their hair may turn silver; their eyes become weak
But moms never grow old.

Moms tell you truths you'd rather not listen to.
Their dreams for you never fade.
“I told you so." , though they usually did
Is something they try very hard not to say.
Moms try to give you whatever you need
They keep accepting you back in the fold
They cry when you fail and when you succeed
But moms never grow old.

People say love can play tricks on your eyes
So beauty is what they behold.
Moms grow more beautiful as years go by
But moms never grow old.

©2003 Artsong Music (BMI)